If you’re just connected Lowdown to your Slack workspace, you can follow the instructions shared in the Lowdown app in Slack to set up a digest for everyone. Simply press the button and follow the steps to have it set up in seconds.
Alternatively, you can type /lowdown everyone
anywhere in Slack to create or update everyone’s digest
You'll be asked to:
- Select channels. Only selected channels will appear in the digest.
- Set a frequency. Decide if the it should be sent every week, 2 weeks or 4 weeks.
- Pick which day + time it’s sent.
That's it! Everyone will get a digest emailed to them automatically based on your choices.
Updating the everyone digest
- Type
/lowdown everyone
on Slack at any time to update your digest.
- When you change the digest it will update for everyone already subscribed to it, and subscribe any new members who have joined since.
- Anyone who has unsubscribed will not be resubscribed.
- Your members can change the make up of the digest you’re sending them by typing
/lowdown settings
. Once they make a personal change, your global changes will not be applied.
Good to know:
- New members are not auto-subscribed to the everyone digest. You must run
/lowdown everyone
again to add them.
- The everyone digest is sent at the same time based on the timezone of your Slack.
- Only the owner of the Lowdown account can set up or edit the everyone digest.
- You can only include public channels in your digest.
Want to create a personal digest instead?